Rather, they sought permission to construct a liquid pig manure storage tank 160 feet in diameter and 12 feet deep. The respondents were not applying for a building permit to construct a backyard deck. “I am especially unwilling to infer good faith and reliance on the facts of this case and bearing in mind the statute in question. In coming to this conclusion, the majority of the Court of Appeal held that, although the building permit establishes determination by the chief building official that the proposed construction complies with all applicable law, good faith reliance by the recipient on the permit to establish compliance with all applicable laws cannot be inferred simply from issue of the permit.
#Ontario building code act trial
The Court of Appeal set aside the acquittal and ordered a new trial holding that the landowner could not rely on the building permit to avoid a conviction for contravention of “other applicable law”. In the prosecution of the landowner instituted by the conservation authority, the lower court had acquitted the landowner for constructing the building in a swamp or area subject to flooding contrary to the regulations on the basis that the landowner had acted in good faith in reliance on the issuance of the building permit and was entitled to rely on the building permit even if it was issued in error. The Ontario Court of Appeal recently considered this issue in a case where a conservation authority asserted that construction of two hog barns and a liquid manure storage tank was contrary to regulations under the Conservation Authorities Act even though a building permit had been issued for their construction.

Faced with an alleged contravention of another “applicable law” following issue of the permit and commencement of construction, will this determination by the chief building official and his issuance of the permit protect the permit recipient from conviction? Prior to the issue of a building permit, the chief building official must satisfy himself that the proposed building, construction or demolition does not contravene the Building Code Act, the building code, or “any other applicable law”. The Building Code Act requires that a building permit be issued by the municipal chief building official before construction or demolition of any building. The use of land in Ontario is governed by many complex and inter-related provincial laws and regulations.